Brett Kane Bodyworks Presents:
The How To Give A Better Massage Course
Massage is undoubtedly a wonderful gift to offer those that we care about. It provides a brief respite from the fast paced modern world that we live in. It’s been shown to reduce stress and pain, it can regulate the nervous system to be more at ease, and it can inspire a greater quality of awareness in our lives. The problem is, for those who are untrained, it can be uncomfortable to do. We might end up with sore thumbs, achy wrists, and tense shoulders. This often makes the process unenjoyable for those giving the massage and turns the offering into more of a chore than a celebration.
That’s why I created this course.
As a professional massage therapist, I’ve seen the wonders that massage can bring to people’s lives. It’s a practice that has provided me a deep sense of meaning and inspiration on my own wellness journey. It touches on something that I feel is so fundamental to how we can interact with other people. So I wanted to share this inspiration in the form of this two and a half hour course.
This is an opportunity for you and one other person to work side by side with me exchanging an hour long massage. You can bring your significant other, a friend, a family member, or anyone else that you’re comfortable sharing this space with. During the course we’ll cover some of the essentials to giving a great massage; including how to protect our hands in the process. I’ll be available to not only show you what I do, but also help you create your own approach to massage that meets your partner’s specific needs.
What’s Included
Brief and Casual Lecture on Nervous System Regulation and Stress
Two 60 Minute Massages For You and Another Person
Hands On Learning Experience Guided by a Trained Professional
A Personalized Lesson For Each Person’s Pain Patterns
Open Line of Communication Post-Class for Future Questions
What You’ll Learn
The Different Ways We Communicate Through Touch
Perspectives on Pain Relief
Setting up a Relaxing Container
The Main Massage Strokes
How to Approach Different Body Regions
How To Save Your Thumbs
How to Create Your Own Flow
A Personalized Roadmap for your Unique Pain Patterns