The importance of taking the wheel on our wellness journey

Welcome to the official blog of ‘Brett Kane Bodyworks’! This space is going to host an extended conversation on all things manual therapy, meditation, and wellness. My goal with this portal is to provide you excellent conversations, ideas, and studies that expand your understanding of the services that are offered through my platform. In my view, bodywork is a collaborative effort in which client and therapist are co-creating the therapeutic container. In order to do this effectively, becoming curious about your bodies innate healing properties is going to be essential.

In my meditation trainings, it’s hammered time and time again that the method of realization is two-fold; the first is hearing the ‘view’, or the teaching and methodologies that will help usher in an experiential understanding of how meditation works. The second aspect is the element of ‘practice’ in which we come into direct contact with what was pointed towards. It’s important (in my lineage at least) to have the knowledge of the situation before you gain the wisdom of actually experiencing it. The more you learn, the deeper the practice and work will become. I believe bodywork functions in a similar fashion.

By taking the reigns of your wellness and cultivating a genuine curiosity for how your body works, we have an opportunity to shift the narrative of how we inhabit our human vessels. If we don’t have the vocabulary or framework of what it means to feel VITAL and comfortable in our bodies, then we cannot possibly imagine a life in which those are realities. Aging does not have to be something that is rife with pain; there is a graceful way to grow older. It takes hard work and a genuine sense of dedication, but as a good friend once told me, “You’ll either spend your time cultivating health, or dealing with illness; either way, your body will demand this time”.

Bodywork may not end up being a part of your wellness regiment, but my hope is that this platform and the experiences that I am offering will be a spark of inspiration for you to embody yourself more fully and authentically. Whether you continue working with this modality or venture off into the realms of yoga, tai chi, bodybuilding, or another embodied movement practice; my deepest wish is that you reconnect with the innate joy of having a human body and embrace the absolute mystery of what it means to be alive.

To invite you into the conversation of how to take the next step, I wanted to share some conversations that I had last year on my podcast, 21st Century Vitalism. They are with renowned bodyworkers Thomas Myers and Russell Stolzoff. Both of which are students of Dr. Ida Rolf, the visionary and highly influential creator of Structural Integration.


Guided practices for improving our posture via Mary Bond’s ‘New Rules of Posture’